Deng Xiaopings liberal economic policies propelled China into the Road to El Dorado around thrity years back. In the early 90's, the Indian Economy under Finance Minister Dr Manmohan Singh opened out the shutters and has been on the gowth trajectory ever since. The Chindia growth story assumed even greater importance after Goldman Sach's published its BRIC report.
So what was it that the economies did right? Where did they go wrong? And more importantly, where are they heading?
Here are a few articles on the subject. ( From Yaleglobal Online)
China's Rumble With Globalization I
China's Rumble With Globalization II
China's Peaceful Ascendancy
China Ascendant II
Peaceful Rise Strategy?
Globalization and the markets
And here are some other articles, on the China growth story, from other sources.
Capital Account Liberalisation in China:International Perspectives
I talk with Filippo Gaddo
From the Society of Professional Economists.
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